Transforming the Healthcare Marketplace through E-Commerce


Electronic commerce or e-commerce is generally defined as a system or activity of
promoting, buying and selling products or services online or over the internet. The system
traces its beginnings in the 1970s in the US when students used the ARPANET (forerunner
of the internet) to arrange a product sale and purchase, followed by the development of an
online transaction processing as well as online shopping system.

The Why’s and How’s of B2B Marketing for the Millennial Generation


Millennials are identified as those born between 1981 and 1997, which means that they are now in their 20s and 30s. This is an age when individuals enter the labor market and they are given more responsibilities as they develop their careers. In doing their work, they are also knowledgeable and arguably more adept with the latest technologies, such as social media networks and mobile applications. And they now represent almost 50% of our total workforce.

Given these characteristics, the influence of the millennial generation in business and commerce, and apparently almost all aspects of our lives, cannot be overlooked. According to research carried out by LinkedIn, millennials are responsible for spending about $2 trillion dollars every year, with an annual combined income of about $3.4 trillion. And so whatever the industry, they are a big part of our current and future market.

Vendor Plan Features and Benefits

  • Vendor Plan Features are listed below
  • Choose the subscription benefits that fit your needs
  • VENDOR PLAN selections are found on the homepage headers 


  1. NO installation fee
  2. NO Monthly maintenance
  3. Skilled IT personnel, optional