Boule Medical AB is a world leader in the field of hematology, a branch of medicine that studies blood, blood diseases, diagnosis, treatment, prediction and prevention of diseases of the blood system. The company is primarily focused on small and medium-sized hospitals, clinics, and laboratories in outpatient care as well as other diagnostics companies in both human and veterinary hematology
Touch screen: Yes, colored, Sample memory: 50,000, QC software: Yes, Number of Reagents: 2, Time to result: <50 seconds, SWELAB ALFA PLUS STANDARD, Boule, Boule Medical AB, Sweden
Swelab Alfa Plus hematology analyzers combine unmatched reliability with maximum ease of operation. Fast and user-friendly, highly accurate results are backed up by built-in quality monitoring and low instrument maintenance. In addition, a complete system solution comprising instruments, reagents and QC materials ensures outstanding performance time after time
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Aspiration volume: CBC - 20 uL; CBC + Diff - 25 uL, Sampling System: Open tube aspiration, Data storage capacity: 50,000, 60 samples/hour in cbc mode; 45 samples/hour in differential mode, Printout: External laser printer or inkjet printer, SWELAB LUMI, Boule, Boule Medical AB, Sweden
Swelab Lumi is an entry-level 5-part hematology analyzer intended for the cost-minded clinical laboratory. The user-friendly design makes system operations easy. Robust software and hardware components ensure a reliable instrument performance.
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