COBIO S50 Urine Sediment Analyzer uses the latest technology in the market. It incorporates state-of-the-art automation in the following:
(a)Sedimentation by centrifugation to create a monolayer of particles at the bottom of the cuvette, performed at an acceleration level of 260G, @ 2000 RPM, for 10 seconds
(b)Microscopy by taking multiple HD digital images using CCD to create whole view field images, which are then displayed on an LCD screen available for correction and validation, and
(c) Identification by Artificial Intelligence AI which uses a deep-learning algorithm to recognize particles according to shape, size, diameter, thickness, and others.
- Manual Microscopy is the reference method (not flow cytometry) for urine sediment analysis - Cobio S50 uses true automation of the "Gold Standard" manual microscopy.
- A large (13.3') high-resolution touch screen that gives a real view of microscopic images - Truly similar to HPF images of manual microscopy.
- Can identify 12 particles: RBC, WBC, HYA, PAT, EPI, NEC, BAC, YEA, CRY, CaOxm, CaOxd, MUC
- No need to prepare a urine slide for manual microscopy to validate a flag
- Fast: Throughput up to 50 samples/ hour
- A cuvette is the only consumable, truly cost-effective.
- Traceable results - results and images can be reviewed again at any time
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