ELITechGroup is a privately held group of worldwide manufacturers and distributors of in vitro diagnostic equipment and reagents. Clinical Systems sets the new standard in BenchTop chemistry with fully integrated, state of the art chemistry systems and superior test menu of liquid-stable, ready-to-use reagents.
Feature: Normal Control, Pathologic Control
Packaging: 10 x 5 ml
Packaging: 10 x 10 ml, 10 x 50 ml, 30 x 25 ml
Packaging: 2 x 62.5 ml, 4 x 25 ml, 4 x 62.5 ml
Packaging: 2 x 62.5 ml, 4 x 25 ml, 4 x 62.5 ml, 20 x 3 ml
Packaging: 2 x 62.5 ml, 4 x 62.5 ml
Packaging: 2 x 62.5 ml, 4 x 62.5 ml, 8 x 25 ml
Packaging: 2 x 125 ml, 12 x 20 ml