EC-500, Myr, Especialidades Médicas Myr, S.L., Spain
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The Myr EC 500 embedding station consists of three separate modules with an increased storage capacity and working surface.

All elements in the modular paraffin embedding centre are designed to achieve maximum efficiency and operating comfort.

The heated working surfaces are thermally insulated towards the operator and ergonomically shaped. The EC 500 features a spacious, heated working area with a non-glare illumination with white LED lights.

A clear, user friendly keyboard allows for easy programming and setup of working parameters.  The automatic  timer allows energy-saving operation by turning on and off via  automatic calculation of the individual pre-heating times.

The unit has two large capacity storage areas, independently heated, for molds and cassettes, with up to 200 cassettes with two baskets, or 300 cassettes without trays. The paraffin  reservoir has a capacity of 5 litres to guarantee continuous operation even at high specimen  capacity. Surplus paraffin is guided into waste drawers, easily accessible from the front, that  can easily be emptied.

The cryo console offers a large cooling surface for up to 60 cassettes/molds with selectable temperature between 0 and -12C.