P/7,280.00 (Including tax)
Sensitivity: 98.4%, Specificity: 100%, Specimen: Stool, Lumiquick, LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc., USA

The QuickProfile™ Fecal Occult Test is a Qualitative test that detects human hemoglobin in human fecal specimen. The test is a visual one-step, in-vitro assay. It is intended for professional use to help diagnose gastro intestinal bleeding.

2 item(s)

Specificity: 98.0% comparing to a commercial ELISA, Cross-Reactivity: no cross-reactivity found on 10-40 specimens from the 14 disease states and special conditions, such as dengue, Zika, malaria, HIV, TB, HAV, pregnant woman and others, No interference with some common substances, such as Acetominophen (20 mg/dL), Heparin (3000 U/L), Ascorbic acid (20 mg/dL), Human IgG (1000 mg/dL), Bilirubin (20 mg/dL), Glucose (55 mmol/L), Creatinine (442 μmol/L), Salicylic acid (4.34 mmol/L), EDTA (3., Lumiquick, LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc., USA

The QuickProfile™ Chikungunya IgG/ IgM Test is an immunochromatographic assay for the rapid visual detection of IgG/ IgM-class antibodies to Chikungunya in human serum, plasma, or whole blood.


Specificity: 99.93%, Lumiquick, LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc., USA

The QuickProfile™ Syphilis antibody Test is an immunochromatographic assay for the rapid visual detection of antibodies to Treponema Pallidum infection (Syphilis) in human serum, plasma, or whole blood.


Specificity : 97.8%(Typhi IgG); 98.0% (Typhi IgM), Lumiquick, LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc., USA

The QuickProfile™ Typhi IgG/ IgM antibody Test is an immunochromatographic assay for the rapid visual detection of IgG/IgM  Antibodies to Typhi in human serum, plasma, or whole blood.

2 item(s)

Lumiquick, LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc., USA

The QuickProfile™ HIV I & II Antibody Test is an immunochromatographic assay for the rapid visual detection of I & II antibodies to HIV in human serum, plasma, or whole blood.

1 item(s)

Sensitivity: 94.8%, Specificity: 96.7%, Lumiquick, LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc., USA

The QuickProfile™ HAV IgM Test is an immunochromatographic assay for the rapid visual detection of IgM-class antibodies to hepatitis A virus (HAV) in human serum, plasma, or whole blood.

1 item(s)

P/2,970.00 (Including tax)
Specificity: 99.6%, Lumiquick, LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc., USA

The QuickProfile™ HbS antigen Test is an immunochromatographic assay for the rapid visual detection of Surface Antigen to Hepatitis B in human serum, plasma, or whole blood.


Lumiquick, LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc., USA

The QuickProfile™ Malaria FP/ PAN Antigen Test is an immunochromatographic assay for the rapid visual detection of Malaria FP/ PAN Antigen in human serum, plasma, or whole blood.

1 item(s)

Sensitivity: 99.1%, Specificity: 99.2%, Lumiquick, LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc., USA

The QuickProfile™ HCV antibody Test is an immunochromatographic assay for the rapid visual detection of IgG/IgM  Antibodies to Typhi in human serum, plasma, or whole blood.

1 item(s)

P/2,970.00 (Including tax)
Specificity: 99.6%, Lumiquick, LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc., USA

The QuickProfile™ HbS antigen Test is an immunochromatographic assay for the rapid visual detection of Surface Antigen to Hepatitis B in human serum, plasma, or whole blood.

  • 40 tests per kit

Principle: Immunocromatography one-step assay, Analytical sensitivity: 30mIU/ml of Hbs Antibody, Sensitivity: 97.6%, Specificity : 98.2%, Specimen: Serum, Plasma or whole blood, Reading time: 20 minutes, Storage: 4 -30°c, Lumiquick, LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc., USA

The QuickProfile™ Hb Surface antibody Test is an immunochromatographic assay for the rapid visual detection of antibodies to hepatitis B Surface virus (HbS) in human serum, plasma, or whole blood.

10 item(s)

P/3,345.00 (Including tax)
Specificity: 99.93%, Lumiquick, LumiQuick Diagnostics, Inc., USA

The QuickProfile™ Syphilis antibody Test is an immunochromatographic assay for the rapid visual detection of antibodies to Treponema Pallidum infection (Syphilis) in human serum, plasma, or whole blood.

9 item(s)