Abbot, Nycocard™ Reader II, Point of care testing - Alere. Nycocard HbA1c is for monitoring long-term metabolic control in patients with diabetes mellitus and other tests in one platform: HbA1c, U-Albumin, CRP and D-Dimer. With NycoCard™ READER II, healthcare professionals in doctors’ offices, clinics, and hospitals will obtain accurate, quantitative results within minutes.
P/5,533.00 (Including tax)
Specimen : Serum, Plasma (10 μl), or Whole blood (20 μl), Sensitivity: 100%, Specificity: 99.8%, BIOLINE HIV, Abbott, USA


Bioline™ HIV 1/2 3.0 test is an immunochromatographic assay for the differential and qualitative detection of all isotypes (IgG, IgM, IgA) antibodies specific to HIV-1 including subtype O and HIV-2 simultaneously, in human serum, plasma or whole blood.

  • Highly sensitive even to IgM during early infection stage

  • Differentiated test result between HIV type I and II by clear band formation (3-lines)

  • Specimen : Serum, Plasma (10 μl), or Whole blood (20 μl)

  • 24 months at 1-30℃


P/100,650.00 (Including tax)
Display Type: LCD, 2 × 16 Characters, Instrument Box: 200 mm x 170 mm x 70 mm, Reader Pen: (L) 144 mm; (D) 29.5 mm, Batteries: Rechargeable NiMH Batteries Only, Size AA 1.2 V, Recharge 8–18 hours, Battery Charger: Mascot Type 9725 or Equivalent, NYCOCARD READER II, Abbott, Abbott Laboratories, Norway
The NycoCard™ READER II leverages robust technology with proven quality. The instrument is factory calibrated to ensure accurate results. It is a portable, point-of-care instrument designed for rapid and reliable measurements of the NycoCard test. Lot-specific calibration by the operator is not necessary. Only a simple black/white calibration at startup and instrument is ready for use.
1 item(s)

P/8,555.00 (Including tax)
3 minutes test time, 5 µL sample volume, Measuring range: (Whole blood) 8-200 mg/L;Serum or plasma samples: 5-120 mg/L , NYCOCARD CRP, Abbott, Abbott Laboratories, USA

The measurement of CRP provides information for the detection and evaluation of infection, tissue injury, inflammatory disorders and associated diseases.

1 item(s)

Specimen : Serum, Plasma - 5µL, 24 months at 1-30℃, Time to result : 20 minutes, Performance : Sensitivity 97.6%, Specificity 98.0%, HAV BIOLINE, Abbott, USA

Bioline™ HAV IgG/IgM


Bioline™ HAV IgG/IgM rapid test is a solid phase immunochromatographic assay for the rapid, qualitative, and differential detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to HAV in human serum or plasma.

  • Specimen: Serum, Plasma - 5µL
  • 24 months at 1-30℃
  • Time to result: 20 minutes
5 item(s)

P/7,255.00 (Including tax)
Specimen : Serum, Plasma, or Whole blood , Sensitivity: 99.3%, Specificity: 99.5%(vs. TPHA), BIOLINE SYPHILIS 3.0, Abbott, Korea

Bioline™ Syphilis 3.0 test is a solid phase immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of antibodies of all isotypes (IgG, IgM, IgA) against Treponema pallidum (TP).

  • Specimen : Serum, Plasma, Whole Blood
  • Recombinant TP, 15kDa, 17kDa antigens used as captures and detectors
  • No need for sample pre-processing
  • Room temperature storage (2-30°C)
5 item(s)

Specificity: 99.8%, Over-all % Agreement: 99.4%, PANBIO, Abbott, Abbott Laboratories, Germany
Identify COVID-19 potentially contagious people with or without symptoms in 15 minutes to reduce virus spread.
1 item(s)

P/12,012.00 (Including tax)
Specificity: 99.8%, Over-all % Agreement: 99.4%, PANBIO, Abbott, Abbott Laboratories, Germany
Identify COVID-19 potentially contagious people with or without symptoms in 15 minutes to reduce virus spread.
10 item(s)

Specimen : Serum, Plasma (10 μl), or Whole blood (20 μl), Sensitivity: 100%, Specificity: 99.8%, BIOLINE HIV, Abbott, USA


Bioline™ HIV 1/2 3.0 test is an immunochromatographic assay for the differential and qualitative detection of all isotypes (IgG, IgM, IgA) antibodies specific to HIV-1 including subtype O and HIV-2 simultaneously, in human serum, plasma or whole blood.

  • Highly sensitive even to IgM during early infection stage

  • Differentiated test result between HIV type I and II by clear band formation (3-lines)

  • Specimen : Serum, Plasma (10 μl), or Whole blood (20 μl)

  • 24 months at 1-30℃

4 item(s)

Specimen : Serum, Plasma, or Whole blood , Sensitivity: 99.3%, Specificity: 99.5%(vs. TPHA), BIOLINE SYPHILIS 3.0, Abbott, Korea

Bioline™ Syphilis 3.0 test is a solid phase immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of antibodies of all isotypes (IgG, IgM, IgA) against Treponema pallidum (TP).

  • Specimen : Serum, Plasma, Whole Blood
  • Recombinant TP, 15kDa, 17kDa antigens used as captures and detectors
  • No need for sample pre-processing
  • Room temperature storage (2-30°C)
4 item(s)

P/10,500.00 (Including tax)
Specificity: 99.5%, Sample Volume: 50µl, Read time: 15-30 min, Sample Types: Serum/Plasma, Fingerstick Whole Blood, Venipuncture Whole Blood, Shelf life: 18 months | Storage Conditions: 2-30°C, HBsAg, Abbott, USA


The world's most sensitive rapid diagnostic test for detection of hepatitis B surface antigen for use with serum, plasma, ow whole blood.
  • Increase case finding
  • Detecting infection earlier leads to better patient outcomes
  • Rapid turnaround time helps reduce patients lost to follow up
  • Simple procedure with no special expertise or lab equipment required
  • Flexibility of multiple sample types
  • Detects major HBsAg mutants (refer to Product Insert)


9 item(s)

Specificity: 99.5%, Sample Volume: 50µl, Read time: 15-30 min, Sample Types: Serum/Plasma, Fingerstick Whole Blood, Venipuncture Whole Blood, Shelf life: 18 months | Storage Conditions: 2-30°C, HBsAg, Abbott, USA


The world's most sensitive rapid diagnostic test for detection of hepatitis B surface antigen for use with serum, plasma, ow whole blood.
  • Increase case finding
  • Detecting infection earlier leads to better patient outcomes
  • Rapid turnaround time helps reduce patients lost to follow up
  • Simple procedure with no special expertise or lab equipment required
  • Flexibility of multiple sample types
  • Detects major HBsAg mutants (refer to Product Insert)


9 item(s)

P/9,973.60 (Including tax)
Specimen : Serum, Plasma - 5µL, 24 months at 1-30℃, Time to result : 20 minutes, Performance : Sensitivity 97.6%, Specificity 98.0%, HAV BIOLINE, Abbott, USA

Bioline™ HAV IgG/IgM


Bioline™ HAV IgG/IgM rapid test is a solid phase immunochromatographic assay for the rapid, qualitative, and differential detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to HAV in human serum or plasma.

  • Specimen: Serum, Plasma - 5µL
  • 24 months at 1-30℃
  • Time to result: 20 minutes
20 item(s)